9月 6, 2009

lopi S / swede olive

Filed under: lopi,PRODUCTS — lopinotebooks @ 2:24 PM


lopi S / swede olive

中世ヨーロッパ発祥の製本方法、Long Stitch Bindingで製本した贅沢なノートブック。
みなさまのideaで、世界に一冊のノートブックに !


A high-quality notebook bound using long stitch binding,
a bookmaking method originated in Medieval Europe.
The method does not use any glue, which helps the Notebook open flat to provide a smooth surface for writing.
Only handcrafting can achieve such ease of use.
The Notebook can also be used as an album for a travel photo collage
or a travel diary while you go on a trip.
Some customers use it as a recipe book as well as a record book to keep precious moments of their growing children.
Your ideas make the notebook one-of-a-kind !

size: W130mm x H173mm 100P
leather: calf swede


lopi envelope / navy b.

Filed under: lopi,PRODUCTS — lopinotebooks @ 2:04 AM


lopi envelope / navy blue

中世ヨーロッパ発祥の製本方法、Long Stitch Bindingで製本した贅沢なノートブック。
みなさまのideaで、世界に一冊のノートブックに !


A high-quality notebook bound using long stitch binding,
a bookmaking method originated in Medieval Europe.
The method does not use any glue, which helps the Notebook open flat to provide a smooth surface for writing.
Only handcrafting can achieve such ease of use.
The Notebook can also be used as an album for a travel photo collage
or a travel diary while you go on a trip.
Some customers use it as a recipe book as well as a record book to keep precious moments of their growing children.
Your ideas make the notebook one-of-a-kind !

size: W130mm x H190mm 
leather: calf skin


9月 5, 2009

for Cubby Garden

Filed under: CUSTOM MADE — lopinotebooks @ 8:44 PM

Cubby Gardenの女性からのオーダー。ご自身の会社で扱う商品の写真をまとめるbookとして。表紙のレザーには、アニリン仕上げの艶が美しいカーフのオリーヴグリーンを 本文用紙には、厚手で尚且つ写真が映えるチャコールグレイをチョイス。挿し色にはかがり糸と同色のブルーとグリーンの紙を。実際お使いいただいている様子はHowToUseページでご欄いただけます。cg.olieve2

size:B5 —P
leather: Baby Calf skin paper:gray,blue,green

lele / red

Filed under: lele,PRODUCTS — lopinotebooks @ 6:35 PM


lele / red

エジプト発祥の製本方法、Coptic Bindingで製本した贅沢なノートブック。
みなさまのideaで、世界に一冊のノートブックに !


A high-quality notebook bound using Coptic binding,
a bookmaking method originated in Egypt.
The method does not use any glue, which helps the Notebook open flat to provide a smooth surface for writing.
Only handcrafting can achieve such ease of use.
The Notebook can also be used as an album for a travel photo collage
or a travel diary while you go on a trip.
Some customers use it as a recipe book as well as a record book
to keep precious moments of their growing children.
Your ideas make the notebook one-of-a-kind !

size: W130mm x H174mm 56P
leather:calf skin,kid skin texts:white
cover: green striped Indian Paper
本体価格 2,900yen 


lopi S / embossed pink

Filed under: lopi,PRODUCTS — lopinotebooks @ 2:48 PM

lopi S / embossed pink

中世ヨーロッパ発祥の製本方法、Long Stitch Bindingで製本した贅沢なノートブック。
みなさまのideaで、世界に一冊のノートブックに !


A high-quality notebook bound using long stitch binding,
a bookmaking method originated in Medieval Europe.
The method does not use any glue, which helps the Notebook open flat to provide a smooth surface for writing.
Only handcrafting can achieve such ease of use.
The Notebook can also be used as an album for a travel photo collage
or a travel diary while you go on a trip.
Some customers use it as a recipe book as well as a record book to keep precious moments of their growing children.
Your ideas make the notebook one-of-a-kind !

size: W130mm x H173mm 100P
leather: kidskin (Embossed)
本体価格 6.500yen


9月 4, 2009


Filed under: CUSTOM MADE — lopinotebooks @ 4:47 PM


size: W160mm x H220mm
leather: Kid skin

9月 3, 2009

lopi S / turquoise blue

Filed under: lopi,PRODUCTS — lopinotebooks @ 5:20 PM

lopi S / turquoise blue

中世ヨーロッパ発祥の製本方法、Long Stitch Bindingで製本した贅沢なノートブック。
みなさまのideaで、世界に一冊のノートブックに !


A high-quality notebook bound using long stitch binding,
a bookmaking method originated in Medieval Europe.
The method does not use any glue, which helps the Notebook open flat to provide a smooth surface for writing.
Only handcrafting can achieve such ease of use.
The Notebook can also be used as an album for a travel photo collage
or a travel diary while you go on a trip.
Some customers use it as a recipe book as well as a record book to keep precious moments of their growing children.
Your ideas make the notebook one-of-a-kind !

size: W130mm x H173mm 100P
leather: calf skin
本体価格 6.500yen


9月 1, 2009

lopi S / shrink salmon

Filed under: lopi,PRODUCTS — lopinotebooks @ 2:46 PM

lopi S / shrink salmon

中世ヨーロッパ発祥の製本方法、Long Stitch Bindingで製本した贅沢なノートブック。
みなさまのideaで、世界に一冊のノートブックに !


A high-quality notebook bound using long stitch binding,
a bookmaking method originated in Medieval Europe.
The method does not use any glue, which helps the Notebook open flat to provide a smooth surface for writing.
Only handcrafting can achieve such ease of use.
The Notebook can also be used as an album for a travel photo collage
or a travel diary while you go on a trip.
Some customers use it as a recipe book as well as a record book to keep precious moments of their growing children.
Your ideas make the notebook one-of-a-kind !

size: W130mm x H173mm 100P
leather: calf skin
本体価格 6.500yen
